-Date/time: 14 Dec, 2022, Wed 10:00~12:30 (SGT)
-Language: Japanese only
-Registration: https://forms.gle/HF3tdxieuVr8ehFh8
Why is geopolitics not being utilized in the business scene? / It is too late to study geopolitics after a crisis occurs.
/ Why is it beneficial to be in Singapore? / Case studies of risk management and business opportunity creation in Southeast Asia / Three suggestions for reform of the Singapore regional headquarters
***English follows***
本セミナーでは、クロール・アソシエイツ・シンガポール マネジングディレクター坂出國雄氏、同シニアバイスプレジデント川端隆史氏、そしてIGPIシンガポールCEO坂田幸樹が、日系・非日系企業の取り組みや現地政府の戦略を解説し、地域統括拠点が果たすべき役割について議論します。
※ 対面でのセミナー開催となり、終了後には昼食懇親会も開催致します。
-日時:2022年12月14日(水) 10:00am~12:30pm(SGT) ・・・ 講演 10:00~11:30、懇親会 11:30~12:30
-対象:JCCI会員 (シンガポールに拠点のある企業のマネジメント、経営企画の方など)
-会場:シンガポール日本人会 2階ボールルーム (120 Adam Road, Singapore 289899)
-参加費:<JCCI会員> 無料 (法人会員は社内の方であればどなたでもご参加を頂けます。)
-パネリスト:クロール・アソシエイツ・シンガポール マネジングディレクター ジャパンデスク代表 坂出國雄氏
クロール・アソシエイツ・シンガポール シニアバイスプレジデント 川端隆史氏
IGPIシンガポール CEO 坂田幸樹
-内容:1. なぜ、地政学はビジネスの現場で使われていないのか?
2. 有事が起きてから地政学を勉強しても遅い
3. なぜ、シンガポールにいることがメリットなのか?
4. 東南アジアにおけるリスクマネジメントと事業機会創出のケーススタディ
5. シンガポール地域統括拠点の改革に向けた3つの提言
[Face-to-face Seminar] Applying Geopolitics to Business Practices
~Risk Management and Business Opportunity Creation Led by Regional Management Headquarters~
Recently, due to tensions between Russia and Ukraine, or between China and Taiwan, we have more opportunities to hear the word Geopolitics in our daily lives compared to the past. On the other hand, it is a fact that many people feel that geopolitics is no more than an educational subject and that it is not easy to apply it to business practices in the actual business scene.
In this seminar, Kunio Sakaide, Managing Director of Kroll Associates Singapore, Takashi Kawabata, Senior Vice President of Kroll Associates Singapore, and Kohki Sakata, CEO of IGPI Singapore, will introduce the initiatives of Japanese and non-Japanese companies and the strategies of local governments, and discuss the role that regional headquarters should fulfill.
* This seminar will be held face-to-face with a lunch reception after the seminar.
-Date/time: Wednesday, December 14, 2022 10:00am~12:30pm(SGT)
-Targets: JCCI members (management, corporate planners, etc. of companies based in Singapore)
-Format: Face-to-face seminar
-Venue: Ballroom, 2nd Floor, The Japanese Association, Singapore (120 Adam Road, Singapore 289899)
-Language: Japanese only
-Admission: <Members> Free of charge (For corporate members, anyone in the company is eligible to attend.)
-Panelists: Kunio Sakaide, Managing Director and Japan Desk Representative, Kroll Associates Singapore
Takashi Kawabata, Senior Vice President, Kroll Associates Singapore
Kohki Sakata, CEO, IGPI Singapore
-Contents: 1. Why is geopolitics not being utilized in the business scene?
2. It is too late to study geopolitics after a crisis occurs.
3. Why is it beneficial to be in Singapore?
4. Case studies of risk management and business opportunity creation in Southeast Asia
5. Three suggestions for reform of the Singapore regional headquarters
-Registration: https://forms.gle/HF3tdxieuVr8ehFh8
-Registration deadline: Wednesday, November 30