Strategic Planning

Singapore – Japan COVID-19 Tech Live: “Digital Transformation Platform” 1st Breakout Session – Local Businesses

As part of our collaboration with JETRO and Enterprise Singapore in establishing their Digital Transformation Platform (DXPF)

  • June 2020
  • Kohki Sakata

Date : June 25th, 2020

JETRO and ESG jointly present
Singapore - Japan COVID-19 Tech Live: "Digital Transformation Platform" Breakout Sessions

We warmly invite you to the breakout sessions of Digital Transformation Platform (DXPF). A total of three (3) breakout sessions will be held in June and July to discuss how companies can come together to enact digital transformation that can help to overcome the business challenges resulted from the Covid-19 situation.

IGPI Advisory

1st Breakout Session – Local Businesses

The 1st breakout session will focus on Local Businesses. Local Businesses are defined as businesses that rely on a local community or locally present customers to be sustained. Examples are retailers, restaurants, local transport providers, etc. The impact of Covid-19 has been large on these types of businesses, from being forced to shut down operations temporarily to being unable to reach customers through traditional means.

Event timeline

14:00-14:10 Introduction of DXPF and explanation of problem statements

14:10-14:55 Business pitching by problem solvers + panel discussions + Q&A

14:55-15:00 Explanation of the next theme and problem statements



Mr Koichi Saito (KK Fund, Founder and General Partner)
Mr Jonathan Lim (Enterprise Singapore, Director, Global Innovation Network)
Ms Junko Ishii (JETRO Singapore, Managing Director)

Moderator: Mr Kohki Sakata (Industrial Growth Platform Inc., Partner)