[Date] 21 March, Thursday, 2024
[Time] 4.00pm-6.25pm
[Format] Zoom online
[Language] English
[Registration] Click here
[Hosted by]
Kreab Worldwide Tokyo, Baker McKenzie Wong & Leow, IGPI
***Japanese follows***
We are excited to invite you the online seminar, The Japan-Singapore Business Dialogue, taking place on 21 March, Thursday.
The seminar is being hosted by three leading firms—Kreab Worldwide Tokyo, Baker McKenzie Wong & Leow, and IGPI—supported by JETRO Singapore, aiming to further promote mutual understanding between Japan and Singapore, two pivotal nations in the Indo-Pacific’s economy and security.
The Indo-Pacific region is generally characterized as having vast potential for economic growth but with high geopolitical risks and, while having great cultural diversity, its foundations are still seen as fragile. Through the dialogue to provide insights for understanding of political risks as well as cultural and political diversity, we hope to promote economic exchange, increase join investment and business opportunities, and provide advice to the business community for the creation of peaceful and stable development in the Indo-Pacific.
We look forward to hosting you!
[Event details]
– Date: 21 March, Thursday, 2024
– Time(SGT): 4.00pm-6.25pm
– Format: Zoom online
– Speakers: Jonathan Soble (Partner Kreab Tokyo), Robert Ward (Japan Chair; Director of Geoeconomics and Strategy, IISS), Sharon Seah Li-Lian (Senior Fellow & Coordinator, ISEAS), Kei Koga (Associate Professor, NTU), Kazuki Sakamoto (Head of ASEAN Business Sagri Co., Ltd), Seiji Tomimoto (Merger & Acquisitions Principal, Baker McKenzie Wong & Leow), KieWai Khoo (Director, JETRO Singapore), Ryota Yamazaki (Director, IGPI)
– Registration: Click here for registration.
3月21日(木)にThe Japan-Singapore Business Dialogueと題したオンラインセミナーを開催いたします。
JETROシンガポールのサポートのもと、Kreab Worldwide Tokyo、Baker McKenzie Wong & Leow、そしてIGPIの3社共催となる当イベントは、インド太平洋地域にいて経済および安全保障の中核をなしている日本とシンガポールの相互理解をさらに促進することを目的としています。
– 日付: 2024年3月21日(木)
– 時間(SGT): 4.00pm-6.25pm
– 形式: Zoomオンライン
– 登壇者: Jonathan Soble (Partner Kreab Tokyo), Robert Ward (Japan Chair; Director of Geoeconomics and Strategy, IISS), Sharon Seah Li-Lian (Senior Fellow & Coordinator, ISEAS), Kei Koga (Associate Professor, NTU), Kazuki Sakamoto (Head of ASEAN Business Sagri Co., Ltd), Seiji Tomimoto (Merger & Acquisitions Principal, Baker McKenzie Wong & Leow), KieWai Khoo (Director, JETRO Singapore), Ryota Yamazaki (Director, IGPI)
– 参加登録: こちらのリンクからご登録ください。